October 4–7 | Frankfurt, Germany

Recomb Comparative Genomics 2015

The increasing amount of genome-related data is a fruitful source for biological research. By comparing complete or partial genomes it is possible to infer a great amount of new biological information, including gene function, evolutionary relationship between species and ancestral genome organization. Due to the dimension of the available data, efficient computational tools are imperative to accomplish these tasks.

The RECOMB-CG satellite conference brings together leading researchers in the mathematical, computational and life sciences to discuss cutting edge research in comparative genomics, with an emphasis on computational approaches and novel experimental results. The program includes both invited speakers and contributed talks.

The call for papers has now been closed. Click here to access the list of accepted manuscripts that will be published as open-access manuscripts either in the journal BMC Genomics or in the journal BMC Bioinformatics.

Contributions to the conference as posters are welcomed on any theoretical and/or empirical approach to genome-wide comparison. This includes genome evolution, algorithms for genome rearrangement, comparative tools for assembly, gene identification or annotation, comparison of functional networks, genomic variation in humans and model organisms, cancer genomics, duplication patterns of genes, segments and whole genomes, and comparative epigenetics. We encourage submissions that offer new biological findings or otherwise highlight their relevance to biology. The complete call for posters is available for download in PDF format.

The conference will be held at the campus of the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre Frankfurt (BiK-F).

Organizing Institutions

goethe Senckenberg Biodiversity FIAS - Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Sciences

Supporting Partners

DiDy Bielefeld BMC Bioinformatics Genome - NRC Research Press