October 4–7 | Frankfurt, Germany

Accepted Papers

We have invited high-quality original full papers solicited on, but not limited to, the following topics:

. population genomics
. genome rearrangement
. comparative tools for genome assembly
. gene identification and/or annotation
. comparison of functional networks
. phylogenomics
. genome variation, diversity and dynamics
. comparative epigenomics
. genome evolution
. paleogenomics
. cancer evolution genomics

Please find below the list of accepted papers:


Further Information:

Submitted papers must have not been published or be currently under the consideration for publication in any other journal or conference with formal proceedings. All accepted papers will have to be presented by one of the authors at the conference. Accepted papers will be published in one of two journal supplements, either to BMC Genomics or to BMC Bioinformatics. BMC will charge publication fees independently from the conference registration.

Detailed submission instructions can be found here.